Our broad agenda of interdependent themes requires strategic layers of assistance so that all the areas of focus receive effective funding and awareness building. The majority of the charitable organisations that we promote are in the developing world, as these programs yield the greatest social return on investment. A portion of Fortune Forum's focus has been granted to small and somewhat overlooked charities and organisations.
Smaller organisations tend to have the vision, concept, and determination to start new ground breaking initiatives, but often lack the resources to finance them. Unlike the well-funded and renowned organisations, these humble charities can utilise the funds in an efficient and more cost-effective way as they don’t have the burden of huge administrative costs, thereby affecting immediate development which can be delivered in a shorter time-span, becoming both measurable and tangible. Fortune Forum wishes to support this notion by assisting exceptional and well thought-out grassroots organisations.
We are proud to support grassroots organisations alongside blue chip charities in our aim to scale up the global development efforts.